Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wk 2 Webcomics

Wk 2 Webcomics

As my year at Full Sail comes to an end, and all my projects are wrapping up, I feel a little stressed out with all the work I have to finish.  Sometimes I get so worked up that I can’t even think straight.  If/when I do get to that point, I usually take and read some webcomics.  If you haven’t read any webcomics you are truly missing out.  There are hundreds of comics online and plenty of variety, too.  Taking a few minutes to laugh can really relieve the tension; when you are ready you can get back to homework.  So, the next time you start freaking out about your thesis,  just take a deep breath and go check out some of these online comics. 

Here are my top 3 webcomics.

1.  Penny Arcade

This webcomic is centered on gaming.  Usually discussing whatever game just came out and why they hate it or love it.  There is some crude language.

2.  XKCD

This comic features stick figures usually discussing math, computers, and/or love.

3.  Dinosaur Comics

In this comic a dinosaur discusses life issues such as self-improvement.  This is probably the silliest of the three, but it definitely can make me laugh the most.  The comic is somewhat crudely drawn; maybe something a student would draw in grade school.  I think that is part of the charm though.  


  1. I love comic strips. I haven't really followed any strips in probably decades. Another thing to add to the "fun" list. :-)

  2. My god, you and I are web comic twins! Those are my three favorites too!

    Here's my fav Dinosaur Comic:
